Project conclusion meeting held in Brussels

Posted on | Project conclusion meeting held in Brussels

DIGIFIRSTAID came together for its last meeting of the project on 13 November 2023.

At the working session in Brussels, a retrospective view on the project was taken and participants collected informal take-aways and ideas for follow-ups, in addition to the lessons-learned posts on this website that each partner organisation authors for themself.

The final meeting also discussed and officially started the knowledge network on e-learning in first aid education that will maintain the project results and continue a regular exchange on the topic. The knowledge network is assigned to the Samaritan International Competence Centre First Aid (CC First Aid). The CC First Aid will not only keep updates from the partners on matters of digital first aid training as a permanent agenda point, it will also stay available as a contact point for any first aid educators interested in the results of the project and the presented practices. For more information on the CC First Aid, please see the CC’s page on the Samaritan International website.